Clase 5 - Dick Gabriel on Lisp
Clase 5 - Dick Gabriel on Lisp I find it very interesting that the creation of the LISP language was based on artificial intelligence, and especially how the compiler was created. It was not just built-in 1 night but it was hand compiled and basically became the complier for all future lisps programs. This compiler function called EVAL and it’s a metacircular compiler because it is written itself in LISP which was quite astonishing at that time. It seems that LISP had a very similar evolution to many other languages but it always found a way to generalize and be different. It started with the creation of specialized languages for each topic. Then it went into macros and object-oriented programing with Scheme and other variants. What I found wired is that they always returned to the same idea that everything is a function and keep on building on that whole idea of lists and functions as basic elements of the language. In the podcast, it was hard to understand in deep all the terms ...
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